Hello from The Crestwood,
It is that time of year again when we start shifting gears towards our busy winter ski season and start thinking snow here at The Crestwood. Before we do however, we get to experience fall in Colorado, which provides some of the best weather of the year to get outside for a hike, take to the trails on your bicycle or spend time on the river catching trout before the snow starts to fly. In this newsletter we will be posting some fall photos from last year that will hopefully get you motivated to spend some time in Aspen/Snowmass this fall and take some photos of your own.
Come visit The Crestwood this fall and experience the crisp mountain air and beautiful fall foliage that engulfs Snowmass Village each year.
Contact our Reservations Department and ask us about the fall colors so you can plan your escape during the height of the leaves changing from green to their brilliant amber and gold.
res@thecrestwood.com or 1-800-356-5949
The Crestwood Condominiums